super stella crazy lush

A desperate elation and a few words of sardonic fear.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I should explain...

Why I've been stressed, angry and procrastination to the max lately. I have to re-apply for my current position. Yes! That is correct people. I have been working in a job for approximately 2 years (and worked at a higher level for 6 months) and I have no rights to my position because I did not get the position on 'merit selection'. Stupid effing public service!!!

And its not just your run of the mill put-your-resume-in-with-a-pretty-cover-letter-and-see-how-you-go deal. No its a talk about all this 'selection criteria' for a bit until you've banged on about yourself enough to make even the most narcissistic bastard feel ill. Now I love to talk about myself but I can only talk about stupid things like "organisational and client service skills" for so long before I start to feel like a corporate monkey.

This little guy is pretty cute though.

So hence my distracted posts about lame things like designer clothes and shopping.

Also I didn't realise how much I missed SPB until I hadn't seen him for a week. I get my fill of cuddles and kisses from my boys and girls but I miss........ him. :( Yes, I'm a lame-o, I know.

Can’t wait to see him tomorrow.


  • At 3:00 pm, Blogger Steph said…

    Selection criteria is a bunch of wankery! I soooo loathe that crap. Good luck with getting the position though.


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