super stella crazy lush

A desperate elation and a few words of sardonic fear.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

My dilemma

I don’t think I know what I’m doing! I like two guys at once!

Okay okay, I’m jumping the gun a bit here.

First of all, I met the cutest guy on the weekend. Picture this: I’m sitting at my friends birthday party, elegantly sipping punch and looking fabulous (thank god). To my astonishment, this guy pulls into the drive way on a motor bike (sexy) full leathers displaying his ample height and fucking hot arm muscles. He pulls off his helmet and oh my fucking god he’s gorgeous! I think: “Gotta get me some of that!” He knows people and heads inside. Later he comes out in a t-shirt and I think: “oh no he’s only 19” but really when has this stopped me before?

So the plan: subtly walk past him a few times and my sexy new gold shoes should do all the work (diplaying my (fake) tanned calves for maximum effect) After a few laps I realise: he’s checking me out. (Yay!) So I make some lame attempt at conversation to get him chatting.

Turns out he’s 22. Not bad. He’s a RAAF mechanic at Richmond. (You KNOW how I love those RAAF guys. Hot!) He’s lovely. Not full of himself at all for a little cutie with a great bod. Anyway, I wonder off to enjoy the party with my girls and get myself seriously smashed. He comes to find me later: “We’re going into town, you’ve gotta come.” Awww! He gets me a spot in a car and we head to the pub.

Long story short: I was a fucking mess. Spewed on one of his friend’s shoes (she was so nice about it too - “don’t worry” she says, “they’re from target”). So he lines up for 30 minutes at, like, midnight (a tad early to be calling it a night) to get a taxi with me.

We get back to my place where my room mate was having her work Christmas party and she was wrecked! So wrecked she was giving me thumbs up in front of him. Oh dear! But he took it with a fair amount of grace and for a boy that means he pretended to ignore it.

Anyway… let me just say: HOT! Fucking hot! Oh yeah! That is all.

So, we exchanged numbers and I’m praying to all the pagan gods I know that he’ll call me.

Next guy: the copper. He is so sweet. We met up on Sunday to go the beach, had a great time as usual. He was pretty hung over too so we just hung about and slept (after having sex for over an hours!!) We ended up spending all today together as well. Just chatting and making out. It was nice. When I’m with him he makes me feel really sexy and girly and he’s fun. And steph is so right: can’t wait to see the uniform.

So this is my dilemma.

Advice girls!

Tell me: Can New York women really date two guys at once?! (I’m channelling Carrie; work with me!) Can Americans really be this preachy when it comes to 'rules' about dating and sex? Do I know how unattractive I look when I smoke at my apple (pft) notebook with my big fucking Jewish-arse nose? And did I really have sex with that old Russian dude? *shudder to think* End commentary.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Catch up post

Sorry I’ve been a lazy bitch. I’ve been sick. That’s no excuse but… meh!

What’s new with me?

*I have a new boy. Kinda. We’re up to second date. Except I kinda slept with him the night I met him so it’s all moving along pretty quickly. I like him. He’s sweet and fun and sexy. I’m not crazy in love yet but we will see. I’m keeping my distance at the moment too. Which is easy cos he lives and works in Sydney (yes steph, I know) and he’s a Police officer so he has crazy shifts. All the Cronulla stuff is kinda scary at the moment tho. : ( At this time of year its all been talk of “what’s doing for New Years” which is a little scary too. In fact, I got a lot scared by how much we made plans for getting together. I prefer to play it by ear.

*The ex wanted to get back together. This has been coming for a while. He came over and babied me while I was sick (and I took advantage of it) and he bought me presents too. I was beginning to cotton on very quickly and then the bomb shell came. He got upset (of course) and cried which put me off even more. He was all like ‘it’ll be different this time’ which made matters worse cos that’s what he said every time he came crawling back to me in the past 7 years. I told him I wasn’t in love with him. He tried to convince me I was and I told him to fuck off. End. Of. Story. Thank fucking christ!

*I failed this semester at uni. I didn’t do my assignments. I was basically just over it. I’m going to work next year for the first semester to save up for my trip to the UK in June/July. Then I’ll redo this semester again and get back on track.

*I hate my work. This isn’t new I just thought I’d remind you.

*I’ve been exercising! This Monday and Tuesday I got up at 8 and met my friend and we walked all the way to Nobby’s and went swimming. Then we laid in the sun for 15 minutes and got the free bus back up town. For the non-newies it takes about 40 minutes from my house to walk to the beach. My legs are so effing sore. We didn’t go Wednesday and this morning (cos its now after 12) we’ll do our normal 30 minute walk no beach. Phew! My stomach already looks a lot better. Yay for my malleable body getting hotter when I want it to.

*I’m addicted to fake tan. I was always a bit too embracing of my whiteness for my flatmates liking (she’s addicted to spray tans). On Saturday (for my and copper’s ‘first date‘) I was going to wear my new white dress so we fake tanned each other Saturday morning and by Saturday arvo we looked so fucking hot! And tans look great with white dresses! Hehehe. The poor guy had no chance.

*I ran into ‘cute boy from work but who technically no longer works with me’. I always run into him. Newcastle is not that small. I like to think its fate telling me we belong together… but I’m a freak. Anyway. We were both driving and waved and then pulled up at traffic lights together and wound the windows down and drove and talked thru the window. It was very safe. And the people in cars behind us loved it. He’s so hot. Its distracting. He also still has a girlfriend. Fucking ho. Anyway. So I decided to ring him later and we chatted for a good 15 minutes. It was so good to hear his voice again. Except also kinda bad cos I’ve started daydreaming about him again. Blah!

*I keep forgetting to catch up/meet with all the people I meant to get together with after uni was finished. I’m such a bad friend. I’m hopeless at keeping in touch with people. I really wanted to go into auburn’s work and catch her off guard (hehe I’m such an evil bitch) but it was so busy Saturday night (we had dinner the the Brewery Restaurant - service wasn’t bad - food was ok - prices were exorbitant - I didn’t have to pay…hehehe) I didn’t go in. Girlfriend. We need to meet.

Okay okay. Its late I have to get up in like 6 hours. I’ll keep you guys posted. I promise.